Whiteboard Tools within a Remote Support Session

May 12th, 2015 by ali Leave a reply »


Using R-HUB remote support servers to provide remote support to everyone from colleagues and customers to friends and family can be great. Sometimes; however, the person receiving support might prefer that you only be able to observe his or her screen rather than being able to take complete remote control of their system. In this type of situation, the new whiteboard for remote control sessions in R-HUB can come in quite handy.

Show Them How To Do It, Without Doing It For Them

By using the whiteboard tools within the remote control session, you can guide the end-users by typing, sketching, or even using comment bubbles or highlighting specific areas of their screen. All of this can be accomplished without having access to the mouse or keyboard on their system. This provides the end-user with peace of mind in knowing that you do not have the ability to modify anything on their system. At the same time, you can assist them in a productive manner. Additionally, with R-HUB’s improved audio quality, you will be able to talk them through what they need to do as you are sketching or making notes, making this rather tricky support scenario much easier. This can help to eliminate a tremendous amount of confusion while helping to improve the training process in any organization.

Teaching Mom (or Grandma) to Fish

We are all likely familiar with the proverb “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This is often true with IT support, whether you are providing that support to friends, family members, or colleagues.

Suppose you’re remotely helping your mom or grandmother for the umpteenth time with something on her computer. Rather than trying to fix the issue yourself, with the whiteboard tools found in R-HUB remote support servers, you can show her how to do it yourself. She can then save a PNG image of the whiteboard session as a reminder of the steps that need to be taken the next time the same problem arises.

Boosting Productivity in the IT Department

IT support personnel often feel as though they are being forced to put out on fire after another. To make matters even worse, there are often simply not enough resources and support personnel to go around to handle all of the many IT problems that can pop up in a single company. By eliminating the need to travel from one location or even one department to another, IT support personnel gain the ability to fix problems much faster, thus providing support to more colleagues in a shorter time frame. Over time, this can help to save the company a tremendous amount of resources while also boosting productivity.

The new whiteboard feature in remote control works on both PC and Mac. Give it a try today. Call us on 866-758-0984 or email us at sales@rhubcom.com for a quick demo.


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