HD Voice: A Little Gem in R-HUB Web Conferencing and Remote Support Servers

June 3rd, 2015 by ali Leave a reply »


Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for great work by IT engineers to end up as barely a footnote in the Remote Support materials or on the IT support department’s cutting room floor altogether.

This can occur due to a variety of different reasons, but when it does happen, such work can often take the form of features and enhancements that exist as little gems for people to discover.

On R-HUB’s product page for TurboMeeting, one of the features listed is HD VOIP Audio Conferencing. It simply means “HD voice transmission quality.”

Within that hidden phrase gives a tremendous amount of great ideas, hard work and some fantastic results. Let’s take a closer look at this little gem.

VoIP: Can You Hear Me Now?

  • Over the years, the Voice over Internet Protocol (most often pronounced as a single word, VoIP) has undergone a lot of advancement over the years. Its roots extend all the way back to network voice protocols developed as part of ARPANET in the early 1970s.
  • The first public domain VoIP application did not actually appear until 1991, and it was not until around 2004 before commercial VoIP service providers began offering widely available telephony services that used broadband Internet rather than traditional public switched telephone networks for voice communications.
  • From its inception, VoIP has been considered a highly attractive alternative with tremendous potential.
  • So much so, in fact that by 1996, U.S. telecommunications companies had petitioned the United States Congress to ban Internet phone technology. Fortunately, that never came to pass.

The Advantages of VoIP

  • The potential cost savings over traditional phone services are substantial, and even the smallest companies can take advantage of the ability to routinely communicate with clients and partners around the world in a manner that was previously only practical and affordable for large corporations.
  • VoIP also offers tremendous flexibility in terms of communicating using a variety of different devices across various networks.
  • Someone on his desktop PC at home can have a conference call with colleagues around the world using any number of different computers and mobile devices with a multitude of different hardware configurations and operating systems.
  • All that is needed is compatible software and an Internet connection. However, one of the bigger challenges has been to improve overall voice quality. R-HUB provides precisely that.

High Definition Voice Offers Noticeable Improvements

  • In R-HUB Web Conferencing and Remote Support Servers, audio quality has been noticeable improved by increasing bitrate and reducing latency.
  • In addition, a highly versatile codec ensures unmatched results for interactive speech over the Internet.
  • The results are that a person’s voice sounds far more natural and noise gate ensures that optimum settings are in place for the best possible conversations with reduced background noise.
  • With HD voice, conversations are also more fluid. The focus automatically shifts to the content of the discussion rather than simply trying to communicate.

Other Factors Influencing Quality

  • HD voice does not mean that audio quality is guaranteed to always be perfect, however. It does require certain prerequisites in terms of bandwidth and the overall quality of participants’ Internet connections.
  • The quality of the hardware used by discussion participants is also an important factor, and investing in higher quality microphones and headsets can make a significant difference.

All things being equal; however, HD voice will still provide better overall audio quality than standard VoIP with the same Internet connection and hardware configuration.

To test R-HUB high-definition voice quality for yourself, just go to www.rhubcom.com and enroll for a 30-day free trial. For more details on R-HUB products, contact us today at 1-866-758-0984 or email us at sales@rhubcom.com


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