Effective Communication Is the Key to Productivity

July 2nd, 2015 by ali Leave a reply »


The key to success in business is having high productivity. Advances in technology have made it possible for people to waste more time than ever before in history. Whether it is checking your social media, playing games on your phone, or browsing the day’s news, there are numerous distractions that can interfere with your productivity.

Even so, technological advances have also made it easier to collaborate with co-workers and develop the next billion-dollar idea. Communication is vital to high productivity. Using online collaboration tools, such as web conferencing makes it easier than ever to collaborate. Web conferencing offers three key features that drive collaboration: Face-to-Face HD video chat, document sharing, and real time chat. Let’s take a look at how these features can help to boost your productivity.

Face-to-Face HD Video Chat

Face-to-Face HD video chat makes it possible for you to see reactions to the points you are proposing in real time. As a result, you gain the ability to make adjustments based on the expressions and responses you see. It also allows you to see if people are actually paying attention to what you are saying rather than looking at websites, checking their phones, or even walking away from their desks. Furthermore, you are able to have multiple people at a single computer and still be able to see exactly who you are talking to. Perhaps most importantly, it provides the feel of a face-to-face collaboration and promotes a more fun and relaxed environment.

Document Sharing

Document Sharing enables you to upload anything from a PDF to a PowerPoint to even a spreadsheet into software and have it pre-loaded and ready to go when you begin your meeting. This can provide the benefit of a visual representation of a product and the annotation tools allow you to call to action certain parts of the document while you are speaking about them. As a result, you can take advantage of a more engaging presentation that makes it possible to hold your audience’s attention far longer while promoting discussion about the project. If you have found it difficult in the past to keep people focused on the discussion at hand, this could prove to be the ideal solution for your needs.

Real Time Chat

A Real Time Chat Box on the software serves as the perfect tool to launch a discussion about what is taking place on the screen. Not only is there a public chat room for each conference, but private messages are also supported between users. Communication is vital to good collaboration and this real time chat makes it possible for ideas to be kicked around easily by everyone, thus setting the stage for ideas to evolve more easily. When you need everyone on board to drive creativity and collaboration, real time chat can help you to do that.

If you would like to experience a free web demonstration of our web conferencing product, R-HUB web conferencing servers, please call us at 1-866-758-0984 or email us at sales@rhubcom.com.


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