From real to virtual: Web Conferencing Soft Revolution

June 22nd, 2016 by ali Leave a reply »

The fast-speed globalization process of the last few years has boosted web conferencing that has become an everyday life tool for millions of users now. Let’s have a quick outlook of what are the issues and the solutions of web conferencing.

It seems that a good 70% of people would rather web conference than travel to a meeting. Laziness is not the reason of this behavior. Travelling is expensive and web conferencing is cheap. But there is more to it than that. Video conferences, for example, show a high attention span, which implies that bosses can engage their teams better than through traditional call conferences. Last but not least, non-verbal language is fully preserved through a web conference.

If web conferencing may be considered something useful but optional at local level, it becomes an absolute need in the global market, where users need some basic features of web conferences like document sharing that are not available through an ordinary phone call. Another example is the possibility of asking something to any department in real time, no matter if it is the IT department or the administration or some other one.

So, the question simply becomes which web conferencing products to buy. This is not trivial, as the choice of a product and its underlying technology always involves many issues. In web conferencing, the main aspects to consider are:

  • Safety. Communications through the net are always at risk of being hacked or intercepted;
  • Screen sharing and number of participants. How many people can I conference in?
  • Screen quality. If we choose video web conferencing because of the importance of visual language, the quality of images is basilar;
  • License costs. In web conferencing, licenses can be per user (like in hosted systems) or flat ( they allow  you to potentially add unlimited without additional costs);
  • IT team. Some solutions need a dedicated IT team, which raises costs.

The issues above have been smartly solved by some on-premise server based web conferencing solutions, like, for example, the web conferencing servers of the company R-HUB. This Californian Company really deserves a mention among the producers of web conferencing products. Ranked as one of the top 3 brands out of 35 most recognizable brands worldwide by “Publicare” in 2014, R-HUB has over 3000 customers and 2 million end users now. Its technology merges the advantages of both hosted and on-premise server based solutions. In fact, R-HUB’s web conferencing servers are:

  • Fast and easy to install and maintain, as they are self-configuring and updating and need no dedicated IT team;
  • Scalable at zero cost, as their flat system allows you to add unlimited users at no additional cost;
  • cheap: their prices range from 395 US$ to 1495 US$;
  • Safe: no interception or hacker attack is possible when an on-premise server based technology is implemented;
  • Ensuring a good video and audio quality.

R-HUB’s web conferencing servers are so light and compact that they can be easily placed on a shelf of a library, which makes them very fitting for small businesses and non-profit organizations. For further information, please visit R-HUB web site


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