Choosing the right web conferencing technology for hosting a virtual career day is not so trivial. We need something that is easy to use, simple to deploy, economic, safe, and with high video and audio quality.
For those that are not IT experts, choosing the technology to host a virtual career day could be really tricky. Let’s see 5 very important points that a buyer should keep in mind on purchasing web conferencing technology.
Tip 1: it must be easy to use. The attendees of any virtual career day are, 99% of cases, in the same condition than you. So, don’t be shy. Claim vendors for something easy to use and that has an intuitive interface. Remember that too many tools and commands are useless, not to say harmful, as the attendee at your virtual career day do not want to spend too much time on learning something that they utilize only in few occasions. Thus, give them something practical, simple and quick to learn.
Tip 2: it must be simple to deploy. If hosting a virtual career day means hiring a software multinational in order to manage all the tech and IT details, you will rightly think that it is not the case to carry on with the project. Luckily, today’s technology offers plug and play products, like R-HUB’s web conferencing servers, that are self-configuring, self-installing and self-updating. We live in a new brave world of intelligent machines that do not need so much human help as in the past. So, exploit the machines, not the IT teams.
Tip 3: it must be economic. Spending an arm and a leg for web conferencing is stupid because they are available in the markets at cheap price. Again, R-HUB’s web conferencing servers are a great example of how it is possible to have a great web conferencing product that costs less than a secretary, as their prices vary in a range from 295$ to 1495$ and their floating license system allows to add additional users to a web conference at zero cost.
Tip 4: it must be safe. Don’t end up like those of Panama Papers affair. WordPress is a great product for blogs, but maybe virtual career days need something more powerful and safer. Today, on-premise server based web conferencing solutions offer this kind of technology. R-HUB’s web conferencing servers are, again, a leading example.
Last tip: Do not forget to check for video and audio quality. In a virtual meeting like a job interview, audio and video quality are decisive. Check them before purchasing anything, and urge vendors for some tests. Remember that on-premise server based solutions often offer a better video and audio quality, as they do not rely on the web to work.