How to Choose the Right Web Conferencing Provider for your needs in Seven Easy Steps

January 20th, 2018 by ali Leave a reply »

When equipping a digital workplace, the ability to detect the right web conferencing provider for your organization is crucial, as the members of your team will necessarily have to use video conferences to work together. In order to make the choice easier for you, we have created this simple scheme articulated in seven steps

Sooner or later, any organization grows and faces the problems connected with remote working. One big problem is to choose the right web conferencing provider: today, it is difficult to think of a virtual workplace without this fundamental tool because video conferencing mergers the advantages of audio calls and video conferences in one at affordable costs. This is the reason why this service is so much in demand. But how to choose the right provider?

1 – Set your budget. There are web conferencing services available for all budgets. Small organizations should consider the free versions that many provider offer, or, alternatively, cutting-edge solutions like R-hub’s TurboMeeting servers ( that combine high quality and efficiency with inexpensive prices. Scaling up to more powerful (and expensive) versions is then generally possible with almost every provider.

2 – How is your team going to use web conferencing? From webinars to demonstrations, there are multiple possible uses of web conferencing.  It is important to understand the functionalities that your team need with a glance on the future, in order to be able to choose a product that really satisfies your organization needs without having to scale up almost immediately after its installation.

3- What kind of contents are you are going to share? Audio and video are not enough. A team usually needs to perform some basic operations like the sharing of documents in several formats, from PDF to Words, and other media, typically YouTube videos. Does the provider you are choosing assure these services?

4- Find the solution that accommodates the larger number of people. Especially for organizations that offer webinars, it is important to be able to host the largest possible number of guests during their virtual events.

5-Is session recording included? Web conferencing sessions can be recorded for several purposes, for example to make webinars available on demand on your organization website, or to allow your team members to review the record of a conference later and take notices. Unfortunately, session recording is not provided for free by every provider. Therefore, you had better check for that.

6- Solutions that are independent from a specific operation system are better. Remote workers use a wide set of instruments to connect that ranges from Apple to Huawei and Windows. Multi-platform solutions are thus crucial in this kind of scenario.

7- Consider the necessary encryption requirements. Data encryption is essential to protect your data, as sensitive information and documents are often exchanged through a web conference. Choose a solution that assures a strong protection, for example the 256-bit encryption.


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