Getting More for Your Money with Self-Hosted Web Conferencing

April 27th, 2010 by admin Leave a reply »

One of the greatest value on-premise or self-hosted conferencing solutions offers over hosted services is the reduction in cost. With a self-owned appliance, there are no recurring costs and cost per use actually decreases with increased usage. The other day we received feedback from one of our customers who agree with us on the value of an on-premise appliance.

Thanks Mike for sharing with us Platinum DB’s experiences!

Platinum DB Consulting is a full services SAP consulting and hosting organization. Our purchase of the RHUB appliance was a simple decision, with an ROI of five months when compared to ongoing Webex costs, it was an easy decision to make the switch. Since implementation, collaborative efforts have increased between our geographically disperse team of software engineers, our sales force has been making more online presentations and our IT staff resolves internal and customer issues more quickly. With RHUB our usage has gone up and our costs have gone down. End users appreciate the simple to use interface and the cross platform capabilities while the IT staff appreciates the excellent support RHUB has given us in resolving any issues.”
— Mike Neuliep, IT Director, Platinum DB Consulting

How are your experiences with TurboMeeting? Share with us, we love to hear what you have to say.


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