R-HUB Remote Support Servers Can Help You to Benefit from Global Enterprise

April 23rd, 2015 by ali Leave a reply »


While your enterprise remote support operations might be working wonderfully at the local level, and perhaps even at the regional level, how can you be certain you are delivering the same best-in-class level of support when the sun goes down in your corner of the world? Delivering superior quality support across multiple time zones and even across the world can be a challenge without the right solutions in place. In such situations, you must ask yourself, whether your enterprise can follow the rising of the sun with your support operations? Below are a few challenges you must consider:

High Availability
Consider whether you have the right support infrastructure in place to always be able to serve your remote employees or customers across the globe? It is vital that you seek out solutions that will provide high system redundancy, the ability to place support infrastructure close to end customers in a strategic manner, and also provide support session load balancing in order to provide an exceptional support experience. Without the ability to ensure that you are always available when your employees and customers need you, your enterprise could be at risk for serious vulnerabilities. With the right support infrastructure in place, you can help to mitigate those risks while ensuring you provide everyone who relies on you with the support they need.

High Scalability
Are you able to quip support technicians with the right tools to help your remote employees and customers around the globe quickly? In today’s highly competitive business world, it is imperative that you be able to move rapidly. By seeking out solutions that provide concurrent support license models and optimize license use through pooling across multiple regions, you will be able to benefit from a highly scalable model that suits your business needs. This is a much more cost-effective and efficient model that makes it possible for you to expand your operations without worrying about being hampered by unwieldy and expensive user agreements.

Centralized Management
Are you able to coordinate all of your remote support operations from a single location? In today’s increasingly global economy, you must be able to provide global operations from anywhere in the world. Consider a support solution that offers a multi-appliance management console and centralized support performance reporting capabilities to ensure that you are able to provide the same level of management and support regardless of where you may be located. This type of integration will make it much easier for you to operate your enterprise globally and perform in a far more competitive manner, which can be beneficial for enterprises of all sizes, but especially those experiencing high levels of growth.

Implementing an effective global enterprise support system requires that you take a number of factors into consideration. Regardless of where you may be at the moment in your enterprise, R-HUB is here to help. Contact us at 1-866-758-0984 or email us at sales@rhubcom.com to obtain more information about R-HUB remote support products.


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