R-HUB Remote Support Servers: Getting Rid of That Invisible Man!

July 9th, 2015 by ali Leave a reply »


Have you ever encountered an invisible man who seems to stand like a wall between you and your remote computer? This invisible man prevents you from controlling the remote computer, and you wouldn’t even know why. Furthermore, your customer would remain equally clueless after handing over his or her computer to you for troubleshooting. This is a moment of frustration that only an IT pro can relate to and it is one that can make it incredibly difficult to do your job effectively.

If you are one such IT pro, you would have by now deciphered who this invisible man actually is. Yes, it is the User Access Control (UAC) window that appears only on the secure desktop and not the normal desktop of the windows PC. UAC is a security setting enabled in Windows operating systems, starting with Vista. So, wouldn’t it be great if you could have a remote solution that is also UAC-compatible?

While it might sound like a dream, it can, in fact, be a reality and the solution is as simple as R-HUB Remote Support Servers.

R-HUB Remote Support Servers is one remote support software that actually is UAC-Compatible; it intuitively detects the UAC window on the remote computer and displays the Run As Service notification. After clicking Run As Service, you can continue your session with administrator privileges, which enables you to access the UAC window. Furthermore, you are able to benefit from all of this without spending a cent because UAC compatibility is available in the trial version.

As a result, you are able to provide vital remote support to your clients without worrying that the process with be fraught with too many challenges. Even better, you are able to do so without impacting your bottom line.

Benefits of Run as Service

With Run as Service enabled, you can restart your remote computer, even in the safe mode and get connected to the session. This can be tremendously important when you are not sure exactly what the problem might be and you need to get right to work. You can also perform various administrative tasks, such as lock the computer, log off the user, and change the password. Please note that these features are available only in the professional edition.

How many times have you had a client contact you because they needed help with these types of tasks? Probably more times than you can count. Now, you can provide the necessary assistance quickly and easily. That translates to greater productivity on your end and improved customer satisfaction. All total, it is a win-win situation for everyone that could help you to boost your business.

If you have not checked out these features yet, take up the free 30-day free trial at http://www.rhubcom.com  and see it work like a charm on you and your customers.

Are you interested in providing UAC Compatible Remote Support? Contact us today at 1-866-758-0984 or email us at sales@rhubcom.com


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