Easy and cheap, web conferencing is essential in order to keep in touch with your customers and agents spread all around the world. Here are four reasons why web conferencing helps you and your business to be competitive on the global market.
No business could go global without global communications. But what is the best way to communicate globally? That is a very easy question to answer. Web conferencing actually provides the cheapest, easiest and most comfortable way to get in touch with customers and agents. Let’s see why.
1) Cheap. Web conferencing is definitively cheaper than the old school way of doing business based on face-to-face meetings. Not persuaded? Simply compare the costs of web conferencing to customers with the costs of visiting them. Inevitably, a fortune is spent on international calls, posh hotels, airplanes tickets and parcel expeditions.
2) Time saving. Travelling is fine, ok, but meeting your agent in China takes at least four days, more the time your staff waste in dealing with visas and other bureaucratic hassles. Web conferencing takes two hours, maybe less. It’s about 97% time saved. And you avoid jet-legs, queues at the immigration offices, traffic jams and discussions with locals that speak poor English …
3) Easy and comfortable. Today, web conferencing provides users with a lot of useful tools, like document-sharing and multi-conferencing, to the point that meeting virtually has become more comfortable than meeting in person. The strong development in the design of graphic interfaces has made the utilization of this tools so intuitive that even toddlers could video conference to their nannies instead of crying.
4) Non-verbal communication is fully preserved. HD Video web conferencing allows you to see your speakers’ faces. This is not possible through traditional telephone calls. And everybody knows how much important facial expressions are in non-verbal communication, especially during business negotiations.
Thus, the actual question becomes which technology for web conferencing we should choose among the available ones. They are mainly of two kinds, hosted and on-premise server based solutions.
Both solutions have naturally their pros and cons. Hosted solutions are easier to implement, as they do not need any IT team. But they rely on the web, which makes them vulnerable and unsecure. On-premise serve solutions are decisively safer and better built, but they are more complicated to manage.
So, what to do? Luckily, today there is a third available technology that merges the advantages of both. Developed by the Californian Company R-HUB, this solution is on-premise server based but without the classic issues generated by the traditional on-premise server based solutions.
No maintenance do R-HUB’s web conferencing servers need because they are self-configuring and self-updating. They are independent from the web, safe and – last but not least – cheap: R-HUB sells their HD video conferencing servers at the price of only 795$ each one that is one third of the monthly wage of your secretary.
Further info on R-HUB web site: http://www.rhubcom.com