Two ways Web Conferencing will Enhance Designers Brainstorming

July 1st, 2016 by ali Leave a reply »

Web conferencing enhances designers brainstorming at least in two ways. For example, it allows deploying the brainstorming session participants directly in the field from where they can exchange fresh impressions and direct observations with each other.

Never been in a meeting of designers?  In the picture that almost everybody has in mind, it works in this way: four or five people sit around a table and then discuss animatedly and exchange ideas. However, this might be already something of the past, as brainstorming could be done in a totally different way just now. Let’s start with a basic example.

Imagine that a designer team has got the task to make a proposition for a new public bus service design to the local city council. Naturally, it would be great for the team to brainstorm while being on the field. In this way they would profit from some direct observations of what people really do on a bus.

Web conferencing allows you to do that, today. You can participate to a web conference through your IPhone or Samsung mobile while travelling on a bus or being on whatever field of operations you like. In fact, today’s technology  makes available some web conferencing products like the ones provided by the Californian company R-HUB  that ensure users high quality  video and audio web conferences even  on a mobile or a small tablet.

An important feature of these products is their reliability even in difficult conditions like in the given example. In fact, R-HUB products – just to keep on with our example – do not rely on the web.  Thus, they are not affected by the annoying problems of hosted services, like poor connections, hot spots, loss of signal, and so on.

However, the possibility of on-the-field brainstorming is only one of the alluring features of web conferencing. For example, you can take screenshots and photos and share them immediately to the other participants. This is important in design, as in this way you can point to those users’ behaviours or attitudes that back up your ideas or suggestions, which wouldn’t be possible in an ordinary brainstorming without previous preparation and organization.

There are other interesting features of R-HUB’s web conferencing products, from polling to a function to raise hands. In one word, today’s web conferencing technology is  really able to give users  all the necessary  tools for  having a great experience of augmented reality and enhanced creativity and productivity. And this is only the beginning, as new technologies grow every day.

If you are interested in these issues and you wish to go deeper, visit R-HUB web site:


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