Seven Tips to manage your Remote Workers in Order to ensure Consistency and Productivity

July 25th, 2017 by ali No comments »

Today’s entrepreneurs are quite different from the ones of the past. Thanks to the digitalization of the economy, it has become really possible to run your business through your laptop from anywhere, whether it is from a bungalow on a tropical beach or from one of those cool cafés for digital nomads in Berlin.

However, managing remote workers is not as easy as managing the teams of the old economy, as distance creates some unexpected problems, like the difficulty to engage, motivate and control your team members. In other words, you need to develop a brand-new management strategy when you shift from real to virtual teams.

First, choose the right technology. Managing distant workers implies a more or less heavy utilization of the digital technology, particularly of video conferencing tools, like R-HUB`s servers, Skype, Google Hangout, Slack. It is important to adopt solutions that ensure both reliability and security.Just to give an example of a good product, we mention R-HUB`s new model of video conferencing servers for real time collaboration.

This is an excellent solution for managing virtual teams, as it offers managers all the necessary functionalities to engage video conference participants with a delay that is much less than ordinary live streaming products. For further details, visit R-HUB`s web site at

Second, create your company culture. Like in ordinary organizations, company culture works also for team scattered throughout the world that meet only virtually. Your culture is anything less than your values, your business concept and marketing approach. Every collaborator should understand and align with your values, so that a minimum level of consistency in the delivery of the final product is always assured.

Third, communicate in an effective and clear way. Miscommunication is at the ground of most problems (and failures) of organizations. Therefore, it is important to double-check and ask lot of questions, and to work out effective communication procedures.

Fourth, set reasonable and reachable goals. Like in real life, remote workers need to have goals, deadlines and timelines. These instruments are even more important to make collaborators work as one in the digital economy, as distance could jeopardize collaboration at any moment.

Fifth: build your team. As distant as they may be, your remote workers are human beings that need to be motivated and encouraged. Do not forget the importance of comradery and group interactions.

Sixth: be respectful.  It goes without saying that you have to pay your remote workers fairly and treat them with respect. Remember that it is not that easy to find serious and hard-working collaborators, even in the digital economy.

Seven: have an onboarding process. Behind virtual teams there are real people. New hires need to acquire the level of knowledge, skills and behaviors of seniors as soon as possible.  So, it is always a good idea to train new staff.

The Secret of Successful Virtual Teams is Collaboration

July 24th, 2017 by ali No comments »

A merely working together is different from true collaboration that requires a high level of mutual trust between team members and their capability to set aside egos. As difficult as achieving true collaboration may be for your collaborators, this is vital to build efficiency and win your competitors in the global market.

Unity is strength, an old idiom says. But what is exactly unity? This word is not a synonym of working together, as a team is something more than the mechanical sum of its individual parts. True collaboration is an expression that describes much better unity, instead.  It implies that team members are able to build mutual trust, share knowledge and set aside their egos without losing their energy, enthusiasm and proactivity. When collaboration is achieved, teams become magic and creative. The motivation of their members peaks up, and great results are achieved.

How do successful virtual teams achieve collaboration? According to some researches, team sizes matter. The larger the team, the more difficult collaboration becomes. So, the present trend to build teams of even a hundred of people is bad. A better solution would be the utilization of a fluid structure distributed on an inner core (charged with important decisions), an operational level (day-to-day ongoing work) and an outer network of freelancers or temporary members that are taken on board just to take care of a particular segment of the project. This setting allows gathering together those team members who need to collaborate with one other for some specific purpose or reason.

Social Media plays a great role in virtual team, as they can make the miracle to make dissimilar people to collaborate. The reason is that social media help your collaborators to find a common ground and share practices and advices. So, don’t be afraid of using them. The organizations that have been able to use social media correctly have all enjoyed consistent improvement in their workforce productivity.

Playing Games that encourage collaboration is another way to build great teams, in the measure that these games are able to get your team members into the right mindset for working together. This implies another important activity, staff training, the only way to help your collaborators to develop quickly some crucial skills like networking and emotional intelligence.

Role Clarity is the last (but not least) important factor behind collaboration. Some researchers have given evidence that collaboration increases when the group has not got a certain goal, but everyone has a well-defined role. It seems that it happens since doubt encourages everybody to collaborate and think more creatively.

In conclusion, collaboration is what makes the difference between mere working together and really effective and successful virtual teams. Recent researches have enlightened some of the key-factors that are behind true collaboration, like the skillful usage of social media, a wise team hierarchy and the specific training that teams receive.

Are you interested in virtual teams and their complex problems? You are going to find more resources on R-HUB`s blog ( It is also possible to have a 30 days free trial through which to test your virtual team on R-HUB`s real time collaboration servers.

The ABC of Online Meeting Participation

July 14th, 2017 by ali No comments »

In a world where herds of employees have been transformed into remote workers, knowing how to be a successful online meeting participant is important. Especially if you crave for success as a digital freelancer.

In a world where freelancers made up 35% of US workforce in 2016 (Forbes, , knowing how to behave during online meetings is a matter of life and death.

So, in this article I have taken down the most important best practices for online meeting participants, with the hope to help digital nomads, freelancers and remote workers to make the most of their participation to video and audio conferences.

1 Be active. Like in real-life meetings, during online meetings you shall be active and give your contribution, no matter how important it is. Wallflowers have been never welcomed; on the contrary, being able to add value to meetings has been always the first step to success.

2 Respect good manners. That politeness always wins on rudeness goes without saying, doesn’t it? But what are the rules of etiquette in a digital world? They are quite similar to those of real-life meetings. So, give the other participants respect by arriving on time, paying attention to speakers, avoiding butting in, waiting your turn to speak, and respecting the dress code. Nothing so different from the old, traditional meetings around a table, after all.

3 Prepare yourself before. Study the topic before and prepare some questions. Prepare your answers to the possible questions that some other participants could ask you.

4 Check and know how to use your technology.  Virtual meetings rely on a more or less complicated technology. Before entering a conference, check that everything is fine with your cam, computer, laptop, headsets, microphone and conferencing tool. Don’t look clumsy; illiteracy on the tech matter is not much appreciated today.

5 Be an active listener. Pay attention to speakers, and try to retain what they say. This will help you to come up with some few questions or a contribution later. If not, you will have fulfilled your obligations as participant to the meeting at least.

6 Invite other participants to contribute. If it occurs that you end up leading a meeting for any reason, don’t panic. A good strategy is to invite other participants to contribute by asking them their opinions on the topic of the moment.

7. Ask questions. When in doubt, ask questions. Often the meeting leader can’t wait for that, as questions break monotony and make meetings lively and productive.

8. Make a revision after the meeting. It is always useful to check your behavior after the meeting in order to understand what work for you and what does not.

In conclusion, being a good participant to an online meeting requires the same dedication of real meetings. The rules are similar, except for those few rules expressly connected with technology.

If you are interested in on-line meeting strategies, you are going to find many other resources on R-HUB`s blog at You can also enjoy a free period of 30 days when you can test your ability as online meeting leader by hosting some web video conferences through R-HUB web video conferencing servers.

The ABC of Virtual Team Management

July 13th, 2017 by ali No comments »

Managing a virtual team can turn out more difficult than expected. Luckily, there are some few best practices that help.

Managing virtual team implies to face a whole host of challenges, from lack of face-to-face communication to working across different time-zones. Luckily, some few best practices for remote managers have been developed in the last few years. We have summarized them up in the following list of tips.

1) Prepare a welcome manual to provide your new hires with all the necessary information about how to do things. This will help you to save a lot of time and make your new hires more productive and less questioning since the beginning.

2) Utilize some operational documents during each step of the process, so that everybody knows what have to be done next.

3) Include in your welcome manual a Communication handbook, or, better, create it as a separate manual. Here, you will lay down the directions on how to communicate with other team members.

4) Hand out a contact information sheet, or make it available as shared document to every team member.

5) Hold regular virtual meetings both individually and with the whole team. It is the only way to create cohesion within your team.

6) Make periodic reviews to inform your team members about their individual progresses. In the reviews, measure individual and team performances, in order to give adequate feedback.

7) From time to time, have some face-to-face time with your team members in order to build confidence and strengthen relations.

8) Consider time difference. You’d better change meeting times frequently, in order to avoid making the same people wake up early or stand up late.

9) Hire the right kind of workers. Select only people that are really cut out for virtual teams through a test period.

Tools are important for virtual teams. It is necessary to have an instant messenger, screen sharing, screen capture, cloud file sharing, and other collaboration tools. You’d better opt for an all-in-one solution, like R-HUB`s web video-conferencing servers , rather than creating a confusing, contradictory and often difficult to manage personal set of various apps.

R-HUB has a suite of servers purposely designed for real time collaboration that gives you all the necessary functionalities to hold and manage your real time conferences. The utilization of a new technological approach allows R-HUB to knock down delays to 3-18 seconds only (usually they are 30-40 seconds) in their live streaming servers, in order to enhance interactivity.

Live interventions during a conference are supported, so that your virtual meeting looks as real as possible, and contents are shown on the whole desktop for a more effective communication. Differently from traditional live streaming products, speakers can be located everywhere in the world.

Last, don’t forget to develop the proper mindset for virtual team. The feeling of being isolated from the team can be fought by appreciating and celebrating team members’ achievements. If you manage a team composed of people from any corner of the world, working on flexible schedules is a real necessity as well as accepting all cultural differences and setting the hours when you are available online in case of need.

In conclusion, managing a virtual team takes more work than a local team, but it can be affordable. Just keep in minds these simple tricks and good practices when building your virtual team.

The Secret of Live Stream Video Technology Attractiveness

July 11th, 2017 by ali No comments »

Live stream video technology has been recently rediscovered by institutions and individuals, at the point that today it is one of the most popular media artifacts. What is behind its success?

When it was given by Hulu the possibility to watch The White House Correspondents Dinner in real time, the success was high, and this only one of the dozens of examples of successful live-stream video events. Today, organizations of any kind try to exploit live stream video technology, especially for commercial purposes: for example, to create new brands, like Esperian, or to enhance the promotion of traditional brands, as Nissan did with its Maxima launch at the New York auto show in 2016.

So, why does it work? The answer is enclosed in one word: liveliness. Remote viewers are promised to have a similar experience of those who are going to attend the event for real, despite the fact that they are not actually present. Coming deeper into the concept of liveliness, we find out that liveliness is composed of two main components: the illusion of presence and remediation from TV. These two factors are equally balanced in making live-stream events so captivating and alluring.

The Illusion of Presence

When viewers watch a live stream video, their point of view is the one of the camera that works as a kind of proxy viewer from them. In other words, it is as if they were physically present at the event, or, to say it better, they has the illusion of being physically present. This effect is what is also called telepresence.

Naturally, it works in the measure that the stream is seamless and smooth, without any disruptions. This is the reason why the choice of the technology is important. For example, the new R-HUB`s live streaming servers are able to reduce the delay to 3 seconds only (usually the value ranges from 30 to 40 seconds).

The TV Remediation

Remediation is described as “the mix of older cultural conventions for data representation, access and manipulation, and newer conventions” (Lev Manovich). In other words, TV remediation is a combination of elements taken by traditional TV broadcast and newer forms coming from the internet.

In this way, live stream video technology reinvents the web by remediating what has gone before on TV. The effect is that viewers are going to experience something that is old and familiar at the same time, the live TV-broadcast of the past reinvented for the web. Nothing could be more reassuring.

The Charm of Direct Interaction

The main difference with the old live TV-broadcast is that viewers can have live interactions with the speakers during modern live-stream video events through the internet. It is sufficient to combine live stream video technology with web conferencing, as R-HUB has done in its latest severs.

The benefit is that the illusion of presence becomes even stronger, not to mention the level of engagement of the public that really peaks up. In facts, it is proved by some Harvard University researches that direct interaction is a great way to involve people (source: ).

This is the reason why this new medium is growing popular in organizations, as it allows real dialogues between managers, salesmen and customers. This latest feature is particularly important in some new marketing strategies, like the above-given example of the creation of the brand Esperian.

In conclusion, live stream video technologies combined with video conferencing could have an increasingly important role in the digital economy. The extent of its use is quite wide and includes areas as marketing, product promotion, remote collaboration, and remote team management.

The secret behind its success is its allure that is based on liveliness, a mix of telepresence and remediation from TV. However, the reliability of the live stream video technology that is used is crucial, as even the smallest disrupt could break the thin illusion of distant viewers that they are being present for real at their far events. And without this magic, live streaming is useless.